
How Adopting Luna Saved My Life
Mar 3

How Adopting Luna Saved My Life

Earlier this month, we emailed our adopters to ask for heartfelt stories to share about their senior adoptees. This letter from Aaron S. about his journey through sobriety, and the important role his senior dog Luna plays in it, really moved us. We are honored he shared it with us so we can share it with you...
Dear BARCS Supporter,
To say I was struggling is an understatement. For eight long years, I was in a really dark place and suffering from alcoholism and related health issues. During that time, my only solace was my 16-year-old sweet angel of a pup. When she became sick almost 18 months ago, I had to make the gut-wrenching decision to put her to sleep. I was devastated, and my drinking escalated to a point where I knew something needed to change.
After a successful and renewing 30-day stay at a rehab facility, my first thought back home was finding a new companion. I have a soft spot for senior animals because they are often overlooked at shelters. I also deeply related to this idea—as I too had been given a second chance in life and wanted to pay it forward.
That’s when I met Luna, who was being fostered by a great family through BARCS. I fell deeply in love with her beautiful smile and kind nature. She is truly the sweetest dog; she makes me laugh and smile every single day.
In my first year of sobriety, no one thought I would stay sober because I live alone. But, Luna is my rock. She reminds me every day what second chances are all about. She is a bit of a princess but her awesome personality makes up for it. She is quite a character and I love her more than words could ever describe.
I have been sober for a year and a half after drinking for 27 years. I owe much of my recovery to Luna, who was once just an overlooked senior shelter dog but is now my angel.
Aaron S.