
Preserving, reuniting and making new families.

Immediate Donations to Animals in Need:

12,000 Homeless Animals

…Will enter BARCS this year. We have more than 300 animals in our shelter right this very minute—we are feeding, providing medical treatment and showing love to each of them. Being an open-admission shelter means that, no matter what, our doors (and hearts) are open to every animal that needs us.

Welcome to the Family!

When you adopt from BARCS, you save two lives by taking one animal home and opening the kennel for the next animal in need of a safe place to go.

Every life we save begins with you.

BARCS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that operates the open-admission animal shelter and provides family-preservation programs for the Baltimore City community. We simply cannot run this organization without funding from private donors. Consider making a gift today to help us save lives, reunite families and be the answer for pet owners in crisis.

Volunteer Spotlight

March 2025: Carter Reilly

Carter Reilly is one of our super diverse volunteers–nothing is beyond him! He does emergency animal transports, lost dog walk-throughs to help families reunite with their pets, washes dirty dishes, cleans dog kennels, assists as our monthly low-cost vaccine clinic, helps run doggie playgroups with our Training Team, paints the hallways, and so much more. He has a soft spot for the biggest, most slobbery dogs and is always looking for ways we can improve our programs and safety here at BARCS. Thank you Carter for the many ways that you help animals in need!

Coming Up On Our Calendar

But wait, there’s more!

Thank you to our major partners who make saving lives possible: