Immediate Donations to Animals in Need:


Corporate & Community

BARCS is looking to develop mutually beneficial relationships with corporations and local businesses that are passionate about our mission and will work with us to make a difference in the lives of homeless, neglected and abandoned pets. By including a corporate partnership with BARCS in your philanthropic, marketing or community relations budget, you are not only enhancing your brand, you are also making a difference in the lives of thousands of homeless animals throughout our community.

Our Current Critical Partnership Needs:

Lifesaving Medical Care Programs

Partners for this program are interested in: Animal care, professional veterinary staffing, medical equipment, saving lives, direct impacts on individual animals, curbing pet overpopulation

Community and Family Support Programs

Partners for this program are interested in: Families, supporting lifelong homes for animals, intake prevention, statistical impacts, youth, low-income support, underserved neighborhood support, COVID impact on families

Adoption and Lifesaving Shelter Programs

Partners for this program are interested in: Animal care and adoption, promotional opportunities, animal care and transportation equipment, direct impacts on individual animals, curbing pet overpopulation

Signature and Community Events

Partners for this program are interested in:  Tickets and VIP experiences, promotion and traditional advertising, facetime with the public, employee engagement

General Donations to Our Mission

Partners for this program are interested in:  The daily care, feeding and enrichment of the animals housed at BARCS and in foster homes; supporting programmatic staff who provide the daily care and training of the animals; the placement of animals into new homes; providing resources to owners; the overall foundational work of our organization

Save Lives With Us

BARCS can customize sponsorships to specifically meet your company’s philanthropic portfolio and/or marketing objectives. A variety of opportunities are available to help heighten visibility, enhance your public image, reach target markets, communicate key marketing messages and grow your customer base—all while providing vital support to BARCS and enabling our lifesaving work to continue.

The opportunities can include:

  • Recognition on BARCS’ website

  • Customized social media promotion

  • Photo ops with BARCS representative and pets

  • BARCS signature event sponsor recognition

  • Event tickets for staff and clients

  • Employee engagement opportunities

  • Cross-promotional events

Please contact: Kate Pika, Assistant Director of Philanthropy, at

Thank You To Our Partners: