General Animal Care Fund

Lifesaving Fund:

This unresticted fund allows BARCS the flexibility to allocate resources where they're needed most and, ultimately, save countless lives by responding to evolving needs and emergencies in real-time each year.

About This Fund:

Our General Animal Care Fund serves as the foundation of our mission, which is to save and improve the lives of animals in need. As a donor, your support for this unrestricted fund plays a pivotal role in caring for our animals and sustaining our lifesaving programs. Unlike designated funds that target specific initiatives, unrestricted giving allows BARCS the flexibility to allocate resources where they are most needed, ensuring that every animal who comes through our doors receives the care and attention they deserve. Whether it's facilitating adoptions, fostering initiatives, or surrender prevention efforts, your donation to the General Animal Care Fund ensures that these critical programs can continue to thrive. Moreover, this fund supports smaller yet equally significant initiatives like our Working Cat Program and Dog's Day Out, which provides positive outcomes for animals with unique needs and circumstances.

When you contribute to the General Animal Care Fund, you directly impact the lives of the approximately 12,000 animals that BARCS welcomes each year. Your donation to the General Animal Care Fund goes beyond simply providing for the immediate needs of the animals at BARCS; it represents a commitment to creating a brighter future for countless animals in our community. With your support, we can continue to operate as a compassionate and inclusive shelter, ensuring that no animal is ever turned away or left behind.