Pudge’s Story

Getting updates from our BARCS alumni-turned-Support Animals through the Ronnie Stanley Foundation always fills us with joy and pride for how wonderful the outcome of a shelter animal can be. Queen Frostine’s journey at BARCS began when she was found as a stray, and soon after, she was chosen by the Ronnie Stanley Foundation to begin her training. And let me tell you, she didn't just excel—she soared! Graduating with flying colors, she now serves as a loving companion to her human. As "Pudge," or Queen Frostine's proud dad, would say, it was truly a match made in heaven.

Dive into their sweet story:

“Hello to all of you fine folk at BARCS. Your Queen Frostine is now named Pudge. It's hard to believe that a year has passed since I brought her home.”

“At first, Pudge seemed a bit uncertain about what to expect. When it was time to load her into my truck, she hesitated, showing some reluctance to come with me. Upon arrival, she appeared to be expecting the worst. Based on the picture sent to me before I adopted her, it was evident that Pudge had experienced some hardships. It took a few days for her to realize that the worst days of her life were behind her.”

“Now, at least around me, Pudge behaves like a typical dog. She's learned that I can't hear the alarm in the morning, so she walks on my head to wake me up. And when I'm on the phone, she finds it amusing to chew on my other ear.”

“If I bring someone into the apartment with me, she is much more open to greeting them than if she meets them on the street or in the hall. Outside the apartment, if she approaches them at all, she still kind of crawls up to someone she doesn't know. Most of the time, however, she tries to run. I don't know if I will ever get her to trust that nobody will ever hurt her as long as I'm around.”

“Pudge is the quietest dog I've ever known. If she barks twice a day, that's a lot! It makes her the perfect apartment dweller. Occasionally, she even howls in her sleep.”

“I have a part-time job delivering auto parts. When I leave the apartment, she's always camped out on the sofa. And when I return, she's still there, waiting in the same spot until I speak to her. It's as if she's waiting for permission to move. These kinds of things make me wonder what her life must have been like before BARCS and the Ronnie Stanley Foundation found her. I thank God every day that you fine people took care of her and brought her to me.”

“God bless every one of you. Thank you for what you did for us.

Sincerely, John S”

We could make a thousand analogies to reference the potential of a shelter animal, but we think this Happy Tail speaks for itself. Just like Pudge, there are many shelter animals waiting for an opportunity to reach their full potential and more than importantly, to give their all for you.


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