Bambi & Oreo

Yesterday (9/23/2024), Baltimore City Animal Control responded to a devastating call. Inside a dark, powerless house, they found Bambi, a young dog, confined to a filthy crate. Emaciated, with open sores and her ribs and spine painfully visible, she was standing on wire with no tray for comfort. Nearby, a cat named Oreo was also severely malnourished, her long coat hiding the bones that jutted out beneath.

In this case, the owner was onsite and appeared to be packing up their belongings. They shared with officers that Bambi and Oreo hadn’t eaten in nearly three weeks. Their owner, having lost his job, was unable to care for them and let their condition deteriorate to this heartbreaking point. While we understand that people can face tough times, neglect and abuse of animals is never excusable. That’s why BARCS offers resources 365 days a year to our community—not just to respond when it’s too late, but to help prevent situations like this.

Animal Control brought Oreo directly to BARCS, where our veterinary team is caring for her. Bambi, however, was in such critical condition that she was taken straight to one of BARCS’ Franky Fund partner emergency hospitals, where she is still receiving treatment.

The Franky Fund is our donation-based emergency medical care fund, created specifically to help animals whose conditions are so severe that they require more than what our shelter veterinarians can provide on-site. For animals like Bambi, who need round-the-clock critical care, the Franky Fund is their lifeline.

We need your support. Your gift to the Franky Fund ensures that animals like Bambi get the emergency care they need. By donating, you’re not only saving lives—you’re preventing unnecessary suffering. Your generosity makes it possible for us to help animals in need and provide pet owners with the support they need before things get this bad.


If ever you find yourself in a crisis where you are unable to feed or provide care to your pets, please reach out to BARCS for help. We have programs designed to keep families not just together, but healthy together.

Animal Control, who handles the enforcement for animal cruelty and neglect in Balitmore City, is actively working on this case. As it just happened last night, there are no additional updates to share at this time.

Donate now and give the gift of health and life. BARCS’ Franky Fund cares for nearly 900 animals each year with extraordinary medical needs. The costs to save their lives is outside of our annual budget, and so the Franky Fund relies completely on private donations. 100% of your gift today will help the animals listed below and others like them.

If you have more questions about the Franky Fund or donating, please email


Lil Soup