Klondike Bar

Sweet Klondike Bar, a lost cat seeking help at BARCS, arrived with what seemed to be an injured leg. Our veterinary team discovered he was dehydrated with a 1-inch infected wound on his front left leg, causing significant swelling and making it painful for him to bear weight or flex his elbow. His fur around the wound was matted and dirty, and he had fleas. 

Despite his pain, Klondike Bar remained friendly and cooperative. After antibiotics, wound care, fluids, pain medication, and flea treatment, it was determined that Klondike Bar needed amputation due to irreparable muscular atrophy.

At our partner Franky Fund hospital, Klondike Bar received the care he needed, including a successful leg amputation. He's feeling so much better now, and to top it off, he was adopted into a loving home!

Donate now and give the gift of health and life. BARCS’ Franky Fund cares for nearly 900 animals each year with extraordinary medical needs. The costs to save their lives is outside of our annual budget, and so the Franky Fund relies completely on private donations. 100% of your gift today will help the animals listed below and others like them.

If you have more questions about the Franky Fund or donating, please email give@BARCS.org.


Boo Kitty

