
The VIP (Very Important Placements) program at BARCS identifies dogs with medical challenges, behavioral challenges or those not handling the shelter environment well, who urgently need homes to prevent their decline. With our shelter at or near capacity nearly every day this year, and new dogs arriving daily, it's critical to find these dogs placements quickly. By doing so, we aim to save them from the risk of euthanasia due to lack of space. Adoption fees are waived for all VIP dogs.


Shelter ID: A0056668861
Foster Home
Sex: Male
Age: 2 Years Old
Current Weight: 50 lbs

About Me

Meet Caravaggio, a handsome little dude with a gentle soul who finds himself at BARCS after his former home unexpectedly became unavailable. This sweet boy is having a tough time adjusting to shelter life and is still trying to come out of his shell. He’s a bit nervous as he gets used to his new surroundings, but he’s easily won over with some tasty treats.

Despite his initial shyness, Caravaggio is a good boy on his leash and isn’t reactive to other dogs while out on the trails. He’s even social with the dog pals he’s met at BARCS. When he feels comfortable with you, he’ll plop his head in your lap for some well-deserved pets. Though he pulled a bit on his first walk, likely due to excitement after being cooped up, Caravaggio showed that he’s very responsive to treats, making it easy to guide him.

Caravaggio was a very good boy for our veterinarians, and we see a lot of promise in him. He just needs a patient and understanding home where he can decompress and gradually build his confidence. If you’re looking to make a real difference in a dog’s life, Caravaggio is ready for a second chance with you.

Why is My Status Urgent?

A dog’s behavior in a shelter can be very different from how they act in a home once they have time to relax. In the shelter, dogs spend a lot of time isolated in their kennels, meet new people constantly and are surrounded by other loud barking dogs, new smells, new sounds and new routines. This environment can keep their stress levels elevated for days or even weeks, which can cause them to act out in ways they wouldn’t in a home. Because of this, what we see in the shelter are just observations and not promises of how the dog will behave later. A dog’s true personality often shows up once they’ve had time to settle into their new home–that’s why fostering and adopting is so important!

The following are the observations of my behavioral challenges in a shelter environment:

Lack of Formal Training: A lack of formal training means the dog may not know basic commands or proper manners, leading to unruly behavior. If the dog lacks training, they may need basic obedience lessons, positive reinforcement, and patience as they learn new skills.

Fearful/Nervous: Fearful or nervous dogs may react poorly or give other warning signs when they feel threatened or scared, often to get a person or object to back away. If the dog continues to display fearful behavior, after the proper acclimation/decompression period in their new home, they may need a continued calm, supportive environment, with gradual exposure to their triggers and positive reinforcement to build trust and reduce anxiety.




King Candyland