
The VIP (Very Important Placements) program at BARCS identifies dogs with medical challenges, behavioral challenges or those not handling the shelter environment well, who urgently need homes to prevent their decline. With our shelter at or near capacity nearly every day this year, and new dogs arriving daily, it's critical to find these dogs placements quickly. By doing so, we aim to save them from the risk of euthanasia due to lack of space. Adoption fees are waived for all VIP dogs.


Shelter ID: A0056503326
Foster Home
Sex: Female
Age: 4 Years Old
Current Weight: 50 lbs

About Me

Meet Tizzy, a dog with a big heart and an even bigger need for a loving home. Tizzy's journey hasn't been easy, but through it all, she's remained incredibly affectionate and eager to please. When you meet her, be prepared for lots of kisses—this girl is all about love! Tizzy is the kind of dog who’ll happily hop up on a bench beside you, lean in for pets, and make sure you know just how much she adores you. She’s gentle, curious, and loves exploring her surroundings. She’s also treat-motivated, knows how to sit, and is perfecting her leash skills, making her ready for her next adventure. Plus, she appears housebroken here at the shelter.

Tizzy was previously adopted through BARCS, which gave us valuable insight into her behavior. She was adopted not long ago, but unfortunately, she had to come back to us due to safety concerns with the resident cat. Tizzy has a strong prey drive and wanted to chase the cat, so she’ll need a home without cats or small animals. This situation also helped us learn that she’s wonderful with people, craves attention, and is social with other dogs—especially gentle playmates who match her style.

Her backstory adds to her resilience. Tizzy was originally brought in by Animal Control after being found in a yard without shelter or water, left alone in difficult conditions. Despite this, she’s remained friendly, affectionate, and eager to bond with her human companions.

Tizzy needs a foster or adopter who can provide her with the love and care she deserves. If you’re looking for a loyal, loving dog who’s ready to cuddle, explore and be your best friend, Tizzy is waiting for you. Come meet her at BARCS today.

Why is My Status Urgent?

A dog’s behavior in a shelter can be very different from how they act in a home once they have time to relax. In the shelter, dogs spend a lot of time isolated in their kennels, meet new people constantly and are surrounded by other loud barking dogs, new smells, new sounds and new routines. This environment can keep their stress levels elevated for days or even weeks, which can cause them to act out in ways they wouldn’t in a home. Because of this, what we see in the shelter are just observations and not promises of how the dog will behave later. A dog’s true personality often shows up once they’ve had time to settle into their new home–that’s why fostering and adopting is so important!

The following are the observations of my behavioral challenges in a shelter environment:

High Energy: High-energy dogs are very active and often need plenty of daily physical and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. These dogs will more than likely benefit from structured routines and handling. If the dog remains high-energy at home, they may need regular exercise and playtime, along with puzzle toys or training exercises to keep their mind engaged.

Lack of Formal Training: A lack of formal training means the dog may not know basic commands or proper manners, leading to unruly behavior. If the dog lacks training, they may need basic obedience lessons, positive reinforcement, and patience as they learn new skills.

Prey Drive: Prey drive refers to a dog's instinct to chase and capture moving objects, such as small animals or toys. If the dog exhibits a strong prey drive in an adoptive home, they may need complete separation or controlled, supervised play with appropriate toys and training to manage their impulses and ensure safety around smaller animals.



